Thursday, September 27, 2018

Top 5 games

Ever since I was a child, I remember playing video games with my dad. That's one thing that always connected us. I've been here for 24 years, so i've played a lot of them. These are my top 5 personal favorite video games (in no particular order).

Number 1 on this list is Marvel's Spider-Man (September 2018). It may have only come out this month, but after I played the game in full, it quickly went up into my top 5. Amazing graphics, and original story, and so much to do all contributes to why it's up there. They have so many suits and powers, so you can play this so many different ways. It also replaced a previous top 5, GTA V.

Number 2, is Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (October 1998). I remember playing this on my birthday when I kid. I put it into my Playstation 1 and enjoyed the ride. One of the levels I remember playing was the water level, swimming and trying to avoid the bombs underwater. It was my introduction to Crash Bandicoot, and have since played all 3 games on the N Sane trilogy.

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (October 2004) is number 3. This was the first GTA I played in full, and no regrets have come from it. When first starting the game, and being thrown into Balla Country, CJ needs to steal a bike and get home. These words always remind me of the game, "Grove street, home." It's a must play for any gamer.

Another Grand Theft Auto is GTA Vice City (October 2002) at number 4. This is a game I used to play with my dad back in the day. The first memory I have of this, and perhaps any games at all, is us walking into a store as one character, and coming out another. Now I know, that it was just Tommy changing outfits. But it's that awe that I look for in any game, it's that memory you get that reminds you of the game for life. I don't think this game will ever leave for that reason alone. Oh, and also the bangin' 80's music!

The final game on my list, is Dig Dug (April 1982). I first played this on some joystick plug and play game awhile back as a kid. The music and the simplicity sticks with me to this day. Digging down the level, blowing up weird creatures, that was fun. This game will always be in my memory because of how simple and fun it was. If you've never played it, you're missing out!

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