Friday, September 14, 2018

My Thoughts on GTA V

Grand Theft Auto V was released in September of 2013. This was the very first game I preordered, and I went big. I bought it for my birthday for myself. I got the collectors edition, and the game guide with it, for one day shipping. I got it the day it came out, and played it for the next 12 hours. I shared that experience with YouTube on my gaming channel, here. It. Was. Awesome. I completed the game, and went on to enjoy the online portion 2 weeks later (more on that later.). From the first heist, onto the first mission with Franklin. It was intense. At least for me it was! Then once you did the jewel heist, you go on to Trevor. What can I say about him? Well, he's a crazy drugged up lunatic from Canada. He wants his own way. And if he doesn't get it, he'll figure out a way to get it. Anyway, i'm sure you know the story. If not, you're missing out. I beat this game twice on 2 consoles. The 360 and the Xbox One. With so much power going into it, I didn't think it could be better. But when they released it for the Xbox One, I was proven wrong. Upped graphics, better and smoother gameplay, it was awesome...again! You should play it, it's in my top games list for sure!

Now onto online. It was fun! At first anyway. Driving around with people, running over NPC's, doing missions, it was GTA V with friends or strangers! Online has got microtransactions. It was ok at first, you didn't need them. But the more DLC Rockstar poured into it, the more it seemed like you had to buy to even enjoy yourself. If you're like me and stopped playing the online mode after awhile, don't try to get back. You're so behind on the times, and it's almost impossible to get ahead, unless you have the shark cards. That's really the only thing about GTA V I don't like. And the lack on DLC for single player. But what can you expect, Rockstar is getting BANK with the online mode!

As i've said, it's a very worthwhile game! Get it, run people over, shoot up the beach, and enjoy yourself! Just, stay away from Online Mode unless you have a deep pocket!

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